Order Management Functional and Technical Interview Questions with Answers

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Order Management Functional Interview Questions

  1. What setups are mandatory to create and transact an Internal Sales Order?
  2. What is Trip Stops in Order Management?
  3. What is Trip in Order Management?
  4. What is the purpose of setting grants and roles in order management?
  5. What is Ship To in Order Management?
  6. What is Ship From in Order Management?
  7. What is Order Import and what are the Setup\’s involved in Order Import?
  8. What is Delivery legs in Order Management?
  9. What are the steps involved in Order to Cash (O2C) life cycle?
  10. What are the different ways to schedule a sales order?
  11. What are the different types of Sales Orders in Order Management?
  12. What are the different stages of Sales Order Lines Status in life cycle of a Sales Order?
  13. What are the different stages of Sales Order Header Status in life cycle of a Sales Order?
  14. What are LPN’s in Oracle Apps?
  15. What are Deliveries in Order Management?
  16. What are Delivery Lines in Order Management?
  17. How to make an Item eligible for Customer Order in Sales Orders?
  18. Can there be any step/procedure of Expiry of a Sales Order whether all shipments have been made or not?

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