What are different types of Value Sets??

Oracle Apps Interview QuestionsCategory: AOL-SysAdminWhat are different types of Value Sets??
Questions Master asked 9 years ago

brief the purpose of different value sets

1 Answers
Shailender Thallam Staff answered 9 years ago

There are 8 different types of Value Set Validations.

  1. None: this is the indication of minimal validation.
  2. Independent: Input should be there in the list of – values that are defined previously.
  3. Dependent: According to the previous value, input is compared with a subset of values.
  4. Table: Input is checked on the basis of values that exist in the application table.
  5. Special: These are the values that make use of flex field.
  6. Pair: A pair can be defined as the set of values that make use of flex fields.
  7. Translated Independent: This is a kind of value that can be made used only if there is any existence for the input in the list that is defined previously.
  8. Translatable dependent: In this kind of validation rules that compare the input with the subset of values associated with the previously defined list.