DECLARE ln_role_users_count NUMBER; lc_role_name apps.wf_roles.NAME%TYPE := 'XX_TEST_ROLE'; BEGIN ------------------------------ --Checking if Adhoc Role Exits ------------------------------ SELECT COUNT (1) INTO ln_role_users_count FROM apps.wf_user_roles WHERE NAME = lc_role_name; IF ln_role_users_count > 0 THEN -------------------------------- --Removing users from Adhoc Role -------------------------------- apps.wf_directory.removeusersfromadhocrole (role_name => lc_role_name); dbms_output.put_line("Users removed from Role!"); END IF; -------------------------------- --Adding users to Adhoc Role -------------------------------- --< Add custom logic to add multiple users using a for loop >-- apps.wf_directory.adduserstoadhocrole (role_name => lc_role_name, role_users => 'STHALLAM'); END; / |
NOTE: You should not use COMMIT in this script if you are using this in a Procedure of a Workflow Activity.
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