
Frequently used Oracle SQL Developer Short Cut Keys

Short Cut Description
Ctrl+Space Invokes code insight on demand
Ctrl+Up Replaces worksheet with Previous SQL from SQL History
Ctrl+Down Replaces worksheet with Next SQL from SQL History
Ctrl+Shift+Up Appends current worksheet with Previous SQL from SQL History
Ctrl+Shift+Down Appends current worksheet with Next SQL from SQL History
Dhift+F4 opens a Describe window for current object at cursor
Ctrl+F7 Formats the selected Code
Ctrl+/ Comment/Uncomment current line
Ctrl+e Incremental Search
Ctrl+Enter Executes the current selected statement(s)
F5 Executes the entire code in the current worksheet
Ctrl+N To open new file
Ctrl+O To Open existing file
Alt+V+C To Open Connections window
Alt+F10 Opens ‘Select Connections’ Window
Ctrl+Shift+D Duplicates the current line
Ctrl+'(Single Quote) Toggle the case (Upper/Lower/Initcap)

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