In table FND_KF_CROSS_VAL_RULES, we have two columns CONDITION_FILTER and VALIDATION_FILTER of XMLTYPE. To view the content of these columns, we need to use GETCLOBVAL() function. Below is the example query.
/********************************************************* *PURPOSE: SQL Query to extract data in XMLTYPE columns * *AUTHOR: Shailender Thallam * *********************************************************/ SELECT fksib.structure_instance_code , fkcvr.rule_code , fkcvr.description , fkcvr.enabled_flag , fkcvr.start_date_active , fkcvr.end_date_active , fkcvr.condition_filter.GETCLOBVAL() AS condition_filter , fkcvr.validation_filter.GETCLOBVAL() AS validation_filter , fmt.message_text FROM fnd_kf_cross_val_rules fkcvr , fnd_kf_str_instances_b fksib , fnd_messages_tl fmt WHERE fkcvr.structure_instance_id =fksib.structure_instance_id AND fkcvr.error_msg_application_id=fmt.application_id AND fkcvr.error_msg_name =fmt.message_name AND fmt.language ='US' AND fmt.source_lang ='US'; |