*PURPOSE: SQL Query to get Org Structure along with LE, BU, Ledger and Flex *
*AUTHOR: Shailender Thallam *
horg.name enterprise
, horg.organization_id enterprise_id
, xep.legal_entity_id
, xep.name legal_entity
, glev.flex_segment_value
, gll.name ledger_name
, gll.ledger_id
, xr.registered_name
, xr.alternate_registered_name
, xr.registration_number
, xr.place_of_registration
, xr.effective_from
, xr.effective_to
, xep.name "LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME"
, xep.legal_entity_identifier
, hou.organization_id "BU_ID"
, hou.name "BU_NAME"
, hou.short_code "BU_SHORT_CODE"
, hou.date_from "BU_FROM_DATE"
, hou.date_to "BU_TO_DATE"
, hou.set_of_books_id
xle_entity_profiles xep
, xle_registrations xr
, hz_parties hzp
, hr_operating_units hou
, hr_organization_units horg
, gl_legal_entities_bsvs glev
, gl_ledger_norm_seg_vals glnsv
, gl_ledgers gll
xep.transacting_entity_flag = 'Y'
AND xep.party_id = hzp.party_id
AND xep.legal_entity_id = xr.source_id
AND xr.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
AND xr.identifying_flag = 'Y'
AND xep.legal_entity_id = hou.default_legal_context_id
AND horg.organization_id = hou.business_group_id
AND glev.legal_entity_id = xep.legal_entity_id
AND glnsv.legal_entity_id = xep.legal_entity_id
AND gll.ledger_id = glnsv.ledger_id