XML Publisher Interview Questions with Answers


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  1. What is XML Publisher?
  2. What is the difference between XML publisher and BI Publisher?
  3. What are the various components required for developing a BI publisher report?
  4. How does the concurrent request relate both data template and layout template it should be using for generating the output?
  5. What is Data Template and Layout Template?
  6. How to get a output of a XMLP report in different formats like PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT ?
  7. Can you have multiple layout templates for a singe data template?
  8. Do we need to create multiple layout templates for printing report in multiple languages?
  9. How do you migrate layout or data template across instances?
  10. What are the various sections in the data template?
  11. What triggers are supported in Data template?
  12. What are the main XML Publisher database Tables?
  13. Where and What is the code written in the Data Template Trigger?
  14. what is the file supporting the translation for a layout template?

  15. How to do Looping in XMLP?
  16. How to create sub templates in rtf Template??
  17. How do you pagebreaks after specific rows?
  18. How to use Section Break along with for loop in XMLP?
  19. How to create a conditional Layout in XMLP?
  20. How to restrict rows in a Group based on some condition in XMLP?
  21. How to handle NULL values as Exceptions in XMLP?
  22. How to find String Length in XMLP?
  23. How to use Variables in XMLP?
  24. How to Sort Data in the XMLP?
  25. How to repeat the Header of the template on each and every page of the output in XMLP?
  26. What are the different ways to show/insert an image on XMLP layout?
  27. Can XML publisher reports be used in OAF pages?
  28. Which component is responsible for generating the output in XML format before applying it to layout template?
  29. What is the default output format of XMLP report?
  30. How to link the Queries in XML publishers reports ?
  31. What is Bursting in XML Publisher?
  32. How to do Page Level or Carry Forward page level totaling in XMLP?

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