GL Journal FBDI Automation using ErpIntegrationService

ErpIntegrationService can be leveraged to import FBDI file data in csv format to UCM server, load data into GL_INTERFACE table based on the jobName specified and trigger import job in a single webservice call.

Below is the example:

Service WSDL URL: https://servername/fscmService/ErpIntegrationService?WSDL
Operation: importBulkDataAsync

Uploads a file to the Oracle UCM server based on the jobName specified and submits the ESS jobs to import and process the uploaded file.

Input Payload:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:erp="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
            <!--csv file content in Base64 Format:-->
            <!--CSV File Name:-->
         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--GL Journal Import Job:-->
            <!--GL Journal Parameter List:-->

More Details on NotificationCode:

The following table provides information on the notification codes:

Digit Position Digit Value Meaning
First digit 1 E-mail notification
First digit 2 Bell notification
First digit 3 Email and bell notification
Second digit 0 Send in any case (import failed or succeeded)
Second digit 1 Send on import success
Second digit 2 Send on import failure


<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsa="">
      <ns0:importBulkDataAsyncResponse xmlns:ns0="">
         <result xmlns="">73428</result>

The response code that returns the request identifier for the first import job in the joblist, which is a load interface job.

Note: This is an example from 19C instance.

Oracle Documentation on erpIntegrationService.